Friday, June 14, 2013

On Splashing, Sisters & Sidekicks

Hello, sweet boy.
Your mother posted these adorable images of you on facebook yesterday:

Yes, I know, by the time you are old enough to read this and respond, you'll probably be too embarrassed, but you are so darn cute, I'll take the risk. Your momma captured such sweet shots of your personality (and bare bottom).  What a delightful boy you are!  I can't wait until we meet in person and I can snuggle you properly.  I know, not very dignified.  But you are stuck with me, sweet boy.  No sense in complaining.

I'm glad you like the water so much.  It's great fun to splash and paddle around.  My brother will tell you it's also great fun to splash your sister, but do so at your own risk.  We sisters will sometimes get you back when you least expect it.  That is half the fun of having a brother or sister, after all--there's always someone to play pranks on and share your adventures with, even if they tattle on you sometimes.  

The world would be very lonely if we didn't have a sidekick.Where would Batman be without Robin?  Bert without Ernie? The Lone Ranger without Tonto? Or Sherlock Holmes without Watson?  But I digress (look this word up, buddy). Anyway, enjoy your summer fun, sweet boy.  Soon enough you will need something bigger than a galvanized tub to splash around in.  In the meantime, have a marvelous time splashing everybody that comes near ya.  Yes, even Mommy & Daddy (especially Daddy). 

Much Love,
Aunt Green