Saturday, April 20, 2013


To my very handsome J---,

We have not met face to face yet.  I haven't had the pleasure of looking deep into your sweet, contented eyes--except through the adorable videos and pictures your mother posts so kindly online.  Still, it's clear to see you are her precious boy and I don't think there is a boy anywhere in the world so well-loved. 

You look like her already, you know.  There is the same wisdom-of-soul in your little countenance that is revealed more and more in hers each year.  It's one of the things I love best about your mommy. 

She says you are a delightful boy and I cannot wait to meet you in person.  Until then, we will have to settle for getting to know one another through correspondence.  You are too little now to have much to say, so, until you are bigger and full of stories about discovering the world around you, I will write to you and post my letters here, where they will wait for you to be big enough to write back.  I can't wait to hear what you will say. 

Until then sleep tight, Sweet Fellow, and give your mother a kiss for me.

Much Love,
Your God Mother, Aunt Green